ISSN: 0393-0300
e-ISSN: 2532-5159
Rivista Open Access

Current Issue



L. Warbinek - The -šepa theonyms in the Hittite pantheon

F. Spagnoli - Il Santuario di Ras il-Wardija: la prima campagna di scavi 2021 della Missione archeologica a Gozo dell’Università di Roma «La Sapienza»

S. Seminara - Parcere subiectis et debellare superbos.
The Stele of Vultures as exemplary narrative

C.G. Cereti - G. Terribili - Epigraphic findings at Paikuli (2018-2019).
A Preliminary Study

J. Bogdani - D. D’Erasmo - C. de Leone - A. Giordano - Digitising the Napoleonic map of Egypt. The creation and publication of an open data set for the reconstruction of the ancient Egyptian landscape

F. Genchi - M. Ramazzotti - N. Larosa - The organization of funerary space and arrangement of burials within the corridor-shaped Tomb LCG-2 at Dibbā al-Bayah Musandam, Sultanate of Oman

P. Buzi - A. Colonna - From the field to the web and back.
Resuming Archaeological Activities in Sudan

L. Nigro - F. Cappella - M. Achour - M. Fantar - Nuovi scavi a Cartagine. Rapporto preliminare sulla seconda campagna di scavi (2022) dell’Institut National du Patrimoine e dell’Università di Roma «La Sapienza»

D. Montanari - E.Z. Titi - Recent discoveries in Bethlehem (Palestine): results of the 8th (2022) Italian-Palestinian research season

I. Melis - A note on a head of Judean pillar figurine from Ramat Rahel in the Museum of Near East Egypt and Mediterranean

G. Capriotti Vittozzi - Some notes on the great enclosure wall of Tell el-Maskhuta I

G. Capriotti Vittozzi - Some notes on the great enclosure wall of Tell el-Maskhuta II

A. Iacoviello - The casemate building in Tell el-Maskhuta: reassessment of data and comparisons

M.C. Guidotti - Tell el-Maskhuta. Pottery from the areas adjacent to the walls (excavation campaign 2016)

E. Pfoh - Relazioni di patronato e la storia dell’antica Palestina: dal modello concettuale alle interpretazioni socio-politiche

N. Ferrante - La tessitura a Mozia: nuove evidenze